Hometown: San Juan Cosala, Jalisco
Age: 22
Paddle: Legacy
Jairo Renteria is a 22 year old Pickleball player from San Juan Cosala, Jalisco, and one of the rising stars in Mexico.
Jairo is tall and strong, and at the kitchen line is almost unbeatable in volleys. For his size, Renteria is fast and can reach many balls that other players would let go. His singles game is powerful and raw; when he comes up to the kitchen line he can reach any ball on either side of him. He has a great and accurate drive and a serve that can be placed deep and in the corner. In doubles, Jairo plays really well in doubles with partners that hit the ball hard, creating many opportunities for him to clean up at the kitchen line. Don’t lob Jairo, he will put the ball away, and when dinking with him you need to make sure to perfectly place the ball or else he’ll reach over with his long reach and put the ball away. Jairo teaches pickleball to locals in the Chapala area, and is an extremely hard working and dedicated pickleball player.